Friday, 25 April 2008

Freedom for Somewhere

When the Olympics come to the UK, will people around the world protest against the continuing Anglo-Saxon domination of the Romano-Britons?

For how long does a people need to be subjugated, before it is subsumed? Hundreds of years after the kingdoms were united, the Scots retain a strong sense of national identity, as do the Welsh. Yet I have never met an Anglo-Saxon who was still unhappy about the Norman invasion. Can we infer from this that it takes somewhere between 500 and 1000 years, before people stop worrying about whose side they are on?

As an aside, how about this solution to the Northern Ireland problem: a federal union of the Republic of Ireland and the UK, governed from the Isle of Man. It may not be very popular, nor practical, but it would really piss off Londoners.

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