Every so often a model who isn't a stick manages to get a catwalk job, and the media go into a frenzy, like it's important or something. It taps into a bunch of issues about female body image: isn't it awful that models don't look like "real" women; doesn't this bombardment with images of skinny little flakes turn impressionable young gels into anorexics? I mean, what absolute rot! If exposure to skinny models caused people to stop eating, there'd be far fewer fatties around, and - to be serious for a moment - this kind of twaddle belittles the very serious psychological issues which actually underlie an eating disorder.
For goodness sake, being thin is the only skill a model actually possesses. That and the ability to pout and walk at the same time without falling over. Models have to look weird, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell they were models. What next? Should we complain about models being pretty, because that gives ugly people low self esteem? It's PCGM.
Here are the simple truths: (1) skinny models make a designer's life easier because the clothing, and not the body, creates the shape they want; (2) in an age of excess, to be thin makes you look healthier and hence more attractive, and models are supposed to be attractive, because that makes us think the clothes look better.
Of course, no-one should have to starve themselves into corpse-like wastage before they're allowed out. I'm just ranting about the cheap bullshit peddled by our lovely media. Most people in this country are too fat, and even for those unfortunates who are too thin, it is insulting to lay the blame for all their problems on Kate Moss.